Friday, April 1, 2011


This tutorial was written by me, March 31, 2011.  Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.  Please do not claim it as your own.

PSP - I use 9 but any version should work.
SCRAP KIT - I am using a beautiful kit called "Lavendar Fields" by Jo - you can purchase this kit here - visit Jo's blog here.
TUBE -  I am using a tube by Jose Cano - you can purchase this tube at PTE - you must have a license in order to use this tube.
FONT - I used Andes - you can download it here.


VM STYLIZE - Zoom Blur
EYE CANDY 5 IMPACT - Gradient Glow

If using a different kit - use a rectangular frame.

1.     Open a new image - 750 x 550.
2.     Selections - select all - new raster layer - copy and paste Paper 1 into selection - select none.
3.     Layers - new raster layer - selections - select all - copy and paste Paper 23 into selection - select none - VM Stylize - Zoom Blur - 112/177 - change blend mode to hard light - lower opacity to 40 - effects - edge effects - enhance.
4.     Copy and paste Deco 1 as new layer - move up a bit(see my tag for reference) - drop shadow 0/0/100/10 color #9293b9.
5.     Copy and paste Flower 5 as new layer - drop shadow
3/-3/75/5 color #9293b9 - duplicate - position as below - merge down.

6.     Copy and paste frame as new layer - effects - edge effects - enhance - with magic wand - select inside the frame - selections - modify - expand 10 - layers - new raster layer - drag under frame - copy and paste Paper 14 into selection - select none.
7.     Click back on frame layer - drop shadow 0/0/55/15 color #404040 - merge down - effects - Unplugged Tools - Vertical Tile - drop shadow again.
8.     Copy and paste Gem Sparkle - resize 80% - move on to side of frame - adjust - sharpness - unsharp mask 10/100/10 Luminance only checked - drop shadow 0/0/40/5 color #ededf3 - duplicate - merge down - duplicate - image - mirror - merge down.
9.     Copy and paste Cloud - move down slightly.
10.   Copy and paste Flying Hearts - image - mirror - move up slightly - drop shadow 0/0/100/10 color #9293b9.
11.   Copy and paste BirdCage - move up into the frame (see my tag for reference) - drop shadow 1/1/50/3 color #9293b9.
12.   Copy and paste Cat - resize 35% - adjust - sharpness - sharpen - move down to the right side of frame - drop shadow 3/-3/75/5 color #7e71d3.
13.   Copy and paste tube - arrange to your liking on tag - drop shadow 3/-3/75/5 color #7e71d3.
14.   Copy and paste butterfly 1 - resize 25% - adjust - sharpness - sharpen - image - rotate - free rotate - right 27 - drop shadow 3/-3/75/5 color #7e71d3 - move where you like - duplicate - image - mirror - move where you like.
15.   Image - add borders - symetrical 2 color #e1dbeb - press shift and D on your keyboard to duplicate.  On image 1 - Image - add borders - symetrical 50
color #7e71d3 - VM Stylize - Zoom Blur - 198/23.
16.   On image 2 - image - add borders - symetrical 25 color #7e71d3 - click inside border with magic wand - VM Stylize - Zoom Blur 100/14 - selections - select none - image - add borders - symetrical 2 color #7e71d3 - edit - copy - edit - paste as new layer on image 1 - drop shadow 3/-3/75/5 color #7062c9 - repeat drop shadow changing it to -3/3/75/5.
17.   Copy and paste your tube again - place to one side - drop shadow 3/-3/75/5
color #7e71d3 - resize 85% all layers checked.
18.   Copy and paste tube again - image - mirror - place on other side of tag - drop shadow as above.
19.   Image - add borders - symetrical 2 - color #7e71d3
20.   Resize to your liking.
21.   With font Andes - size 48 - foreground Null - background #8072d9 - type your name - drop shadow 1/-1/75/2 color #404040 - Eye Candy 5 Impact - gradient glow - subtle white glow.
22..   Add  artists copyright info - license # and watermark - save as a jpg and you're all done.

Thank you for trying my tutorial. 
I would love to see your results.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Oh my gosh, I got a little bit of mojo and came up with this - lets hope my mojo sticks around.

Tube of choice - I am using a tube by Tony Tzanoukakis - you have to purchase this tube and have a license from PTE in order to use it.
Font - I used Callie Hand - you can download it here.
Preset Egg Shapes - I got mine from Jan's Designs - thank you for sharing these - you can download them  here.
Mask - I used Vix Mask 362 - thank you for your great masks Vix - you can download Vix's masks here.
Filters Unlimited 2 - Distortion Filters - Warp Jump.
VM Distortion - Broken Mirror.
Eye Candy 5 Impact - Gradient Glow.

Ok, lets get started:

1.     Open a new image 750 x 750 - flood fill with white.
2.     Layers - new raster layer - flood fill with a gradient of choice - one that looks good with your tube - I used mgc egg - angle 57 - repeats 3 - style linear.
3.     Layers - new mask layer - from image - find Vix Mask 362 from the drop down menu - apply - merge group - apply a drop shadow - I used 1/-1/25/2.
4.    Copy and paste tube - VM Distortion - Broken Mirror - 0/84/37/152/0/92 - duplicate - on original -image - rotate - free rotate - left 90 - on duplicate - image - mirror - merge down lower - opacity to 50.
5.     Paste tube again - image mirror - Filters Unlimited 2 - Distortion Filters - Warp Jump - 70.
6.     Grab your preset shape tool - I used jd-easter 5 - line style solid - width 10 - adjust your egg to your liking - or check mine below - do not convert to raster.

7.     With magic wand - click on the frame part of the egg - selections - modify - smooth - both on 10 - anti alias and preserve corners checked - layers - new raster layer - flood fill with another gradient of choice - I used bkgr 130 - angle 128 - repeats 5 - style linear - effects - texture effects - texture - pinwheel - 0/1/0/0/315/50/30.
8.     Copy and paste tube - position to where it looks good - my example below - hide layer for now.
9.     Click back on the egg shap layer (vector 1) - with magic wand click inside the bottom part of the egg (as below) - selections - modify - expand 2 - layers - new raster layer - drag under vector layer - flood fill with a gradient of choice - I used rainbow pastel - angle 57 - repeats 3 - style linear - do not deselect.
10.   Unhide top tube layer - copy and paste tube again - position in bottom selection - selections - invert - hit delete on your keyboard - select none - change blend mode to hard light and opacity to 25.
11.   Click back on vector 1 layer - with magic wand click inside next part of egg - selections - modify - expand 2 - layers - new raster layer - drag under vector layer - flood fill with another gradient - effects - texture effects - straw wall - 40/35/14/1 - transparency 0 - color from your tube - angle 100 - repeat.
12.   Click back on vector 1 layer - with magic wand click inside next part of egg - selections - modify - expand 2 - layers - new raster layer - drag under vector layer - flood fill with another gradient - do not deselect.
13.   Paste tube again - position where you like (check my tag for reference) - selections - invert - hit delete on your keyboard - do not deselec.
14.   Repeat step 13 - selections - select none - merge down - change blend mode to soft light and opacity to 60.
15.   Click back on vector 1 - with magic wand - select in top part of egg - selections  modify - expand 2 - layers - new raster layer - drag under vector layer - flood fill with another gradient - do not deselect.
16.   Paste tube again - position (use my tag as reference) - selections - invert - hit delete on your keyboard - do not deselect.
17.   Repeat step 16 - selections - select none - merge down - change blend mode to Luminance Legacy and opacity to 50.
18.   Click back on vector layer - with magic wand click inside top circles - selections - modify - expand 1 -  layers - new raster layer - drag under vector layer - flood fill with color from your tube - select none.
19.   Click back on vector layer - with magic wand click the black frames for the circles - selections - modify- smooth - layers - new raster layer - drag under vector layer - flood fill with another color from your tube - select none - apply your favorite drop shadow.
20.   Click back on vector layer - with magic wand click inside the next set of circles - selections - modify - smooth - layers - new raster layer - drag under vector layer - flood fill with another gradient - select none - apply your favorite drop shadow.
21.   Click back on vector layer - with magic wand click inside bottom circles - selections - modify - expand 1 - layers - new raster layer - drag under vector layer - flood fill with another gradient - select none.
22.   Click back on vector layer - with magic wand - click inside frames for circles -selections - modify - smooth - layers - new raster layer - drag under vector layer - flood fill with another gradient or color from your tube - select none - apply your favorite drop shadow.
23.   Apply your favorite drop shadow to main tube and egg frame layer.
24.   Hide your main tube - vector layer - raster 1 - group raster 2 - raster 2 and raster 3 - make sure that one of your egg layers is highlighted - merge visible - resize 90% all layers unchecked - unhide all layers.
25.   Click on top layer - grab your font tool - size 72 - foreground null - background color or gradient of choice - layers - new raster layer - now hover your font tool over the top of the egg until you see the little half circle under the A - now type out "My Easter Candy" or saying of choice - convert to raster layer.
26.   Delete vector layer - make sure that the top laer is highlighted - effects - eye candy 5 impact - gradient glow - settings subte white glow - drop shadow.
27.   Image - resize 72% or to your liking - grab font tool again and type your name - apply gradient glow - drop shadow.
28.   Add artists copyright info - license # and watermark - merge all flatten - save as a jpg and you're all done.

Thank you for trying my tutorial.

Here is an example made from a member of PTE.  She did this without using any filters and I think she did an amazing job.

Monday, March 7, 2011


I wrote this tut on March 7th, 2011 for PTE.  Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
Please do not claim it as your own.

PSP - I use 9 but any version will work.
TUBE with close-up - I used a tube by Elias Chatzoudis - you have to purchase this tube from PTE.
SCRAP KIT - I used an amazing kit by Vaybs called "Rainbow Fling" - thank you for sharing this
kit Vaybs - you can download it here.
Font of choice - I used
Mask - I used a mask 365 by Vix - thank you for your masks Vix - you can download Vix's masks

Filter Factory B - Sliding Spirals

Ok, lets get started:
1.     New image 750 x 750 - flood fill with white.
2.     Layers - new raster layer - selections - select all - copy and paste Paper 4 into selection - select none.
3.     Layers - new mask layer - from image - select Vix Mask 365 from drop down menu - apply mask - merge group.
4.     Effects - edge effects - enhance - effects - edge effects - enhance more - change blend mode to disolve.
5.     Selections - select all - float - defloat - layers - new raster layer - copy and paste Element 51 into selection - select none - change blend mode to multiply.
6.     Copy and paste element 45 as new layer - resize 80% - with raster deform tool move down and to the right as below - drop shadow 5/5/40/10 - duplicate - move slightly up and to the right as below.

7.     Copy and paste Element 5 as new layer - resize 85% - move to the left as below - drop shadow 5/5/40/10 - duplicate - mirror.

8.     Copy and paste Frame 13 as new layer - with magic wand - click inside top frame - selections - modify - expand 5 - layers - new raster layer - copy and paste Paper 5 into selection - drag below frame layer - do not deselect.
9.     Copy and paste close-up tube as new layer - arrange in frame - selections - invert - hit delete on your keyboard - drop shadow 5/5/40/10 - change blend mode to difference - lower opacity to 50 - selections - invert - do not deselect.
10.   Layers - new raster layer - copy and paste Element 51 into selection
- drag below tube layer - select none - change blend mode to soft light.
11.   Click on Raster 6 (should be your paper layer below the tube) - effects - Filter Factory B - Sliding Spirals - 70/105/124/132.
13.   With magic wand - click inside bottom left frame - selections - modify - expand 5 - layers - new raster layer - drag under frame - copy and paste Paper 7 into selection - do not deselect.
14.   Mirror close-up tube - layers - new raster layer - copy and paste close-up tube into selection - drop shadow 5/5/40/10 -  change blend mode to multiply - lower opacity to 70 - do not deselect.
15.   Layers - new raster layer - copy and paste Element 51 into selection - select none.
16.   With magic wand - click inside bottom left frame - selections - modify - expand 5 - layers - new raster layer - drag under frame layer - open Paper 7 - image - flip - copy and paste into selection - do not desleect.
17.   Mirror close-up - copy and paste into selection - drop shadow 5/5/40/10 - change blend mode to exclusion - do not deselect.
18.   Layers - new raster layer - copy and paste Element 51 into selection - select none - change blend mode to dodge - lower opacity to 50.
19.   Click on frame layer - drop shadow 5/5/40/10- copy and paste Element 15 as new layer - resize 40% - place on top left of frame - drop shadow 5/5/40/10.
20.   Copy and paste Element 55 as new layer - resize 40% - drop shadow 5/5/40/10.
21.   Open Elements 6,7 and 8 - resize 50% - place where desired - drop shadow each 5/5/40/10.
22.   Copy and paste tube as new layer - place at bottom of frame - drop shadow -5/5/60/25.
23.   Hide background layer - merge visible - unhide background - resize 70% all layers checked - adjust - sharpness - sharpen.
24.   With Font - Cutie Pop - size 48 - stroke 2 - foreground and background colors to match your tag - change background to foreground/background gradient - angle 57 - repeats 3 - style linear - type your name - convert to raster - drop shadow 1/1/40/5.
25.   Add artists copyright - license # and your watermark and you're all done.

Thank you for trying my tutorial.  This may be the last one I write for a while.

Friday, March 4, 2011

For Now

I am leaving for now.  I'm not sure if I will be back or not at this time.
With all the changes with tube companies I have deleted all my tutorials.  Its just better that way - better safe than sorry.
With my mojo gone - and having absolutely NO desire to create anything .... well I'm really not sure about creating any more tuts.  I'm sick of all the copy and paste carp and don't have any creativity to do anything else.
So, for now its goodbye.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Is it time to go?

I'm thinking of either taking an extended break or calling it quits altogether.  I don't like the way my tuts are and my creativity and mojo have up and left.  Not real sure at the moment but I am thinking of closing this blog down.